BCI Trade Day


Kia Orana Welcome to the Business Trade & Investment Board


Business Trade & Investment Board builds strategic partnerships to nurture Cook Islands businesses and key driver in facilitating economic growth. We promote Trade, here and abroad, liaise with industry sectors to assist with the development of potential products for export markets. We encourage, manage and regulate Foreign Investments and promote required areas for Foreign Investment. Importantly, we promote entrepreneurship in our community and support new Start Up Businesses for best outcomes. Explore our Strategic Plan 2023-2028, which outlines BTIB’s comprehensive roadmap for the next five years.  For more information about any of our services, please email [email protected] or contact our offices +682 24296 from 8am to 4pm – Monday to Friday. We look forward to assisting you further.

Our Services

We’ve made it easier for you.

We’ve redesigned BTIB’s website to make it easier for Cook Island businesses, foreign investors, and anyone who want to get the support they need to grow, and to understand where BTIB can help.

Check out Te Makete, it means (The Market), an online platform to promote and connect local small businesses to potential consumers. View first-hand stories from local businesses here in the Cook Islands including our Pa Enua (Outer Islands).

Business Compliance: A Guide for Entrepreneurs

Starting a business but not too sure where to start?  

We’ve put together an easy guide, a Business One Stop Shop to help you.  Now you can find all of the information you need including tax registration, business registration, writing a business plan, permits and licenses for your business and more.  Use this as a guide as it outlines some of the standard laws and regulations that a business is required to comply with. Business regulations often change and it is important for business owners to stay ahead of these updates to remain compliant. Use this as a supporting resource for your business.

To find out more about Business Compliance and understanding Business Regulations, click below.  BTIB wants you to meet certain requirements so that your business can run legally and safely.   

Once you have read the business rules and regulations below, familiarize yourself with the BUSINESS ONE STOP SHOP Guide for your business.


Notices & Upcoming Events