Please note: There is a stall fee for $30.00 for a vendor / stall spot. Vendors will be provided with a 3 x 3 tent, one table and 2 chairs on the day.
Electricity plug in: There is a $5.00 fee. Please bring your own long power lead. BTIB will not provide these.
Please read and review the following:
By submitting this registration, you understand and agree to the conditions for operating a stall at the World Food Day event. You agree to have a stall open from 9am to 2pm on Wednesday 21st October 2020. You must comply with the required pack in and pack out times. You accept full financial responsiblity for payment of the site and all other associated costs. I also understand that the images or any footage may be taken of you (or other persons at your staff) by authorised persons to be used by BTIB in any promotion or marketing advertising.
Important NOTICE: A food safety certificate must be on display at this event. All Vendors are encouraged to attend a meeting prior to the event.
Business Trade Investment Board
Opposite the Punanga Nui Market
Avarua Rarotonga
Cook Islands
Telephone: +682 242 96
Fax: +682 24 298
Private Bag, Rarotonga, Cook Islands.
Email: [email protected]
Monday – Friday
8am – 4pm
Closed: Saturday and Sunday
Statutory Holidays