Professional Services Directory

Legal Services

Financial Services

Brian Mason
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Phone: +682 26 603
Email: [email protected]

Heinz Matysik & Ben Marshall
Little & Matysik P.C.
PO Box 167
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Phone: +682 21 619
Fax: +682 21 615
Email: [email protected]
Little & Matysik P.C.

Tim Arnold P.C.
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Phone: +682 23 569
Fax: +682 23 568
Email: [email protected]

Martha Henry
Mason P.C.
PO Box 325
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Phone: +682 26 608
[email protected]

Tina Browne & Karen Harvey
Browne Harvey & Associates P.C.
PO Box 429
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Phone: +682 24 567
Fax: +682 24 561
Email: [email protected]
Browne Havery & Associates P.C.

Balancing Books
Helen Goodyear
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Phone: +682 23 825          
Email: [email protected]

Justin Rous
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Phone: +682 23 825
Email: [email protected]

J & J Tumutoa
John Tumutoa
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Phone: +682 21 929
Email: [email protected]

KPMG Chartered Accountants
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Phone: +682 20 486
Fax: +682 21 486
Email: [email protected]
KPMG Chartered Accountants

Real Estate

Cook Islands Real Estate
PO Box 3157
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Phone: +682 81 965
Australia Phone: +61 0478 568 642
Email: [email protected]
Cook Islands Real Estate

Jeff Tikitau Real Estate
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Phone: +682 53 659
Email: [email protected]
Web: Jeff Tikitau Real Estate

Disclaimer: BTIB disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy or validity of legal advice provided by attorneys. BTIB maintains no involvement in the attorney-client relationships establishes between these attorneys and their respective clients, whether sources from the above list or through a preferred provider. This information is provided solely as a courtesy and convenience.