If you are intending to do business in the Cook Islands as a provider of goods & services with a specific contract for a short period of time, you must apply for a Short Term Business Registration. This applies to those who are contractors, professionals, technical advisors, or consultants, basically anyone who is not an employee.
If you are submitting an expression of interest in the Cook Islands’ Government tenders, you must be rewarded the tender first before applying for the Short Term Business Registration.
Applications for the Short Term Business Registration must be received by the 7th of each month to be considered for that month’s Board meeting. Please note, each application is assessed on a case by case basis.
Business Trade Investment Board
Opposite the Punanga Nui Market
Avarua Rarotonga
Cook Islands
Telephone: +682 242 96
Fax: +682 24 298
Private Bag, Rarotonga, Cook Islands.
Email: [email protected]
Monday – Friday
8am – 4pm
Closed: Saturday and Sunday
Statutory Holidays