On Thursday 28 April 2022 from 5pm to 8pm the BTIB training team were invited to introduce the Mamas of Te Iti Vaine o Akaoa fellowship in Arorangi to the skills of Starting up a Business, Creating a Business Plan and the importance of Basic Book Keeping. The training was held at the residence of their Chairlady Mairi Heather where we were welcomed by their group of approximately 20 members and led by their Secretary Tangi Ruvea-Samuel. The highlight of the evening was seeing their teenage children pile on the back of Robert Heather’s truck with their 35 large bags of kumara they had harvested from their plantation, sold on Facebook, and deliver to their customers.
We invite all groups and organizations to feel free to contact BTIB should you wish we attend during the evenings to carry out training on specific topics you request. Call BTIB on phone 24296 and speak to Teroro Totini or Ngarangi Napa.
Business Trade Investment Board
Opposite the Punanga Nui Market
Avarua Rarotonga
Cook Islands
Telephone: +682 242 96
Fax: +682 24 298
Private Bag, Rarotonga, Cook Islands.
Email: [email protected]
Monday – Friday
8am – 4pm
Closed: Saturday and Sunday
Statutory Holidays